Each year, garlic is harvested in mid to late July. Online ordering begins August 1st and wraps up in October.

If we are sold out in the Fall and you need some (but don’t care about varieties)— please email us at swiftriverfarm@hotmail.com. We may have some leftover and might be able to help you out.

Swift River Farm Garlic

In garlic, our passion prevails.....

We work hard to grow our food with intention and in a manner that supports the environmental, economic and social fabric of the world around us.  We know it is important to you, too and we are happy to provide you with a little taste of the good things we have growing here at the farm.  And that means garlic. Lots and lots and lots of garlic.

We offer a wide variety of garlic, including culinary and seed stock, garlic braids and bouquets, and fun variety samplers.  After all, we grow around 22-25 different varieties of garlic each year and it is fun to share the love for this mouthwatering kitchen staple.

"What is the difference between 'culinary/table garlic' and 'seed garlic'?"

Culinary/table garlic includes slightly smaller garlic bulbs that do not quite make our seed standards. They are the same exact varieties and the same quality of our seed garlic….just smaller. They are considered for eating garlic, only.

Seed garlic, however, is the highest grade and most premium garlic we grow. We grade medium to medium-large for seed stock which produces consistent, reliable and sizeable garlic each season. Swift River Farm garlic seed stock is ideal for planting (while our culinary/table garlic is perfect for eating).

Please keep in mind that if you live in a county in Idaho/Oregon that currently falls within the allium quarantine regulations, you are limited to purchasing our culinary/table garlic for eating purposes only.

Four Color Organic Seal- EPS (Encapsulated PostScript).jpg
Swift River Farm is certified organic by Oregon Tilth.

Swift River Farm is certified organic by Oregon Tilth.