What is a CSA share?
Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program helps create a closer relationship between local farmers (like us) and local eaters (like you). This type of farming is a subscription based method, where members purchase a "share" of the upcoming harvest before the actual season begins. This allows the farm to purchase seeds and supplies, make needed farm improvements, and plan ahead for production.
We offer a wide variety of CSA shares each season, allowing you to choose the best fit for your family and household depending on your vegetable needs, cooking style, family size, and home-garden access. From small share options to fully belly bliss, a Swift River CSA is a great way to explore your palette and discover the many different seasonal tastes of central Idaho.
2025 Swift River Farm CSA
This season we expect to offer a limited number of U-Pick CSA shares, Workshares, Flower Shares and continued focus on seed production and land stewardship. These shares will launch on the website on April 15th.
We will also be providing weekly deliveries of produce to the Community Farm Booth at the Lemhi County Farmers Market each Saturday and providing some produce to Mountain Harvest Grocery.